
A to Z Challenge, Day 11: K Is For Knitting — No Comments

  1. I haven\’t knitted at all, but I love to crochet. Haven\’t done it for a long while, but it\’s been calling to me of late. Can\’t say as there have been any life lessons in crocheting (yet), but I do find analogies to the process of life all around me. And those often apply to the writing process, too, as you\’ve so deftly pointed out. 🙂

    • My mom was a big crochet person. She loves to make afghans. She used mostly half doubles, so nothing super fancy, but she\’d put a lot of work into finding just the right color scheme. I can crochet and have also taken Tunisian crochet, and taught my coauthor to crochet, but I\’m not a huge one for it. It\’s weird: most people I know are either one or the other, they don\’t do both. Not sure why.

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment; I appreciate it!

  2. I so admire people who can knit and learn something from it! I learned how to do the stitches, but never really how to actually knit. I was all tensed up!

  3. I garden as a hobby and that has taught me to appreciate the cycles of life, the beauty of it and patience. It\’s also taught me plant extra for gophers, deer and chickens that like to harvest a bit for themselves.

    • I admire gardeners. I garden, but don\’t really consider myself a \”gardener\” yet. My garden last year was depressing, because my neighborhood got inundated with rats, which was awful. We\’re hopeful that it will be better this year because our winter was so cold.