A to Z Challenge – Do You Haz It?
My buddy Jennifer Fischetto posted on Romance Divas that she was considering doing the April A to Z Blogging Challenge. The challenge, in brief, is to write a post for each day except Sunday, and that each post has an alphabetical theme. So the first is A, the second is B, and so on.
I figure, what the heck; this sounds fun! Join me?
Write on!
I\’m in! Every year I just can\’t resist. Hope you enjoy your experience with the A to Z Challenge!
I\’m so glad you\’re participating, Karen! I\’m looking forward to it.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!
Interesting! I should give it a try. Thanks for the information.
Hi Catherine – I\’ve come over from Tina, one of the co-hosts, to welcome you to the A-Z 2014 ..
I hope you\’re geared up for it?! If you\’ve any questions please feel free to send them across to Tina or I …
You\’ve got the badge up, which I regret to say is more than I\’ve done .. and I must!
Congratulations on your books too .. all the best Hilary
I hope you decide to play too, Darla; I\’d love to read what you post!
Hi, Hilary! Thank you for stopping by! I am really grateful to you and your band of merry bloggers for putting this together. It looks like April is going to be a wild ride!