
Sunday Box Talk – How To Take a Sabbatical — 3 Comments

  1. You have a degree in Russian? I took Russian 101 when I was in my 20s and loved it. Got the highest score in the class. On to Russian 102. Guess what. The class got cancelled because the students didn\’t sign up. They thought it was too hard. 🙁 Anyway, it has been a long, long time and I have forgotten so much. But now there is a neighbor down the hall who is Russian and doesn\’t speak English. Time to dust off the old textbook, get my Russian program going and give it another try. There is a potential problem though. I\’ve been wanting to learn Polish, which I need for genealogy research and the two languages are similar — some of the same words but accent on a different syllable. Can I do both? What a challenge that would be!

    • I\’m sorry they canceled your 102 class; that\’s too bad! Russian and Polish are similar but not the same, and you can learn both. I\’m not sure if trying to do so at the same time will be as comfortable, but it can be done. You might check if your Russian-speaking neighbors speak Polish; they might help tutor you. 🙂

  2. I thought about that. I also have a neighbor that asks for help with various things, but she speaks Bosnian. She is very old and gets upset easily when she can\’t remember the few English words she learned. Need to learn to be able to communicate with her as well. Good grief!