
Happy Valentine’s Day! — No Comments

  1. My goodness! What a lovely gift to come home to. Thank you for all the positive mojo, folks! Savannah, lovely praise, and happy Valentine\’s Day to you too! I like your suggestion, Cathy. Have to scare the hub up from his basement computer escapades… Thank you, Alanna, I had fun writing it! Nina, BookAttict (cool handle!), and charalyn, thank you and happy Valentine\’s wishes to you as well! mcv, you\’re very welcome for the contest. But it\’s readers like you that make it possible, so thank YOU for participating. Jean, Julianne, and Shadow, I\’m so glad you liked it. It\’s only a flash piece at the moment, but perhaps we\’ll have to check back in with Zeta and Chico… Desi, I\’m glad you thought it was hot. That was definitely the feeling I was going for. And SiNn, you\’ll turn a girl\’s head with talk like that. I might just have to dust these two off and give them a longer story. We shall see what 2012 brings.

    Happy Valentine\’s Day, everyone, and thank you so much for reading – and commenting! You guys really make my job fun. ~hugs~

    Write on!

  2. Okay, now I\’m grinning like a complete idiot. All right, all right! We\’ve got a couple other things on the simmer right now, but we\’ll put it in for summer to play with. Right now we\’re working on the sequel to Burning Bright and we\’ve just turned in a piece to a publisher (so please, cross your fingers, because we sure hope they like it). But I think we\’ll definitely look at good ol\’ Zeta. And what\’s with this Monroe character? He sure sounds shady.

    Oh, right. That\’s what I\’m supposed to figure out, huh? Fine, fine, make me work… ~hand to forehead~

    Seriously, though, thank you for the exuberant feedback. ~hugs~

  3. Wow! That was great! Such a pity it wasn\’t just a tad bit longer 😉

    felinewyvern at googlemail dot com