
Thursday 13 – 13 Sewing Truths — No Comments

  1. I wish I could sew. I wish I had the time to learn to sew. I have designs for clothes in my head but no skill or spare time to do so.

    So in the meantime, I’ll just sit back and be both envious and admiring of your patterns and patience!

  2. Great picks! I take sewing in spells, when I have the patience. I tend to want to change patterns, maybe borrow a sleeve from another that will look better, change the neckline, etc. Have a Happy Birthday!!

  3. I can barely sew on a button. I wish i had some interest or talent for sewing, but I just don’t. Which just means I admire those that do all the more.

  4. I love the look of Vogue, but I hate following their instructions. I’m just not on the right wavelength for them.

  5. I had to have some girl scouts help me sew a button. Not because I didn’t know how, but because I was scared I was doing it wrong. I’m taking your #10 and adapting it to writing. This is sooooo important.

    Oh, and I really love your #11.

    Happy Birthday!!!

  6. This is a skill I’m going to have to learn in a hurry – because I can’t afford to go to the US every time I need new clothes, and the clothes in Italy for, *ahem*, women of substance are just too expensive.

    Consider me envious of your skills. 😉

  7. Me, I found some really good seamstresses. In fact, the ladies moved to a new location but turned out to be the same ones who altered my wedding gown! That was nice. Now, I am thinking about having them make me some curtains. 🙂 While I made one, now I’d rather just write. Happy sewing!