
Thursday 13 – December 3, 2009: Thirteen Randomities — No Comments

  1. awww. hugs. I totally understand the random list, my mind works that way, too–even without having a cold.

    Google is totally crackilious.

  2. Feel better! And I must say you’re lucky to have a puppy who’s feel smell like chips. My kitty, who lovingly sticks her paw on my lips now and then, has feet that smell like nothing but dirty toes. Not horrible, just not wonderful. Well, she’s gotta sweat somehow. Heaven knows she plays hard enough, which is good for a ten-year-old!

  3. Trivium/quadrivium is an educational theory/logic thing, right? I’m not real clear, I just remember reading about it. But it wasn’t linked to Da Vinci when I read about it. Some other Ren philosopher, but I don’t remember who. Assuming I have the right thing.

    Anyway. colds: shots of doom. best thing for sore throats. put 2 TBSP lemon juice in a shot glass with 1/4 tsp cayenne. Shoot it. chase with 1 tsp (or more!) of honey.

    I promise you it works better than any otc sore throat/cough remedy.

  4. Yay on the trivium quadrivium!!

    And ick on the medicine idea, but I agree, it works. What also works is a “soup” (really more of a tea) of cayenne, garlic and ginger. 🙂

  5. Sometimes random is good. 🙂
    Starbucks is really expensive here in NZ too. I hardly ever go to Starbucks. Their coffee isn’t as good as most of the other places I go. It’s weak and wishy-washy.

  6. Noony, this blog brings to mind the writing element ‘stream of consciousness’. Only you could be random in such a literate way!

    Get better soon, chica!

    Going to go google those terms. ~