
Thursday 13 – November 26th, 2009: Thirteen Things I’m Grateful For — No Comments

  1. I as so grateful for my family, church, and friends. Due to unemployment and tough times, we hit rock bottom. Last year at this time, we really didn’t think we’d be still in our dream home we built ourselves. But here we are and we want to thank all who supported us and lit our way in the darkest times. People really do need to stick together.

  2. Books, chocolate – those are definitely at top of the list. It’s kind of rough here right now, so yeah – thankful for my job, though I would certainly like more hours, and that I have an apartment, though I am definitely not grateful for some of my neighbors. And I’m grateful this November has been milder than last, though we are actually getting a little snow tonight.

    Oh, and I am also grateful for the nice comments you made on my post. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I’m so glad Michael’s dad is getting out the hospital, Noony! That is terrific news!

    I bet you’re even more grateful for your job now that you have a coffee maker again 🙂

    I think it’s a good point to appreciate where you are (or where you aren’t anymore, in the case of college.) Since we can’t go back, it’s most helpful to see the good points in where we are.

    (I confess I do still say “way cool” on occasion, though!)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Noony!

  4. I’m glad for good news about your father-in-law! And thanks for the kind words on my silly posts. ~hugs~ I enjoy everything you offer us humble readers.

  5. Happy to hear your FIL is on the mend and coming home.
    I’m grateful for my children. I can’t imagine my life without them.

    Happy Turkey Day!

  6. I’m so happy to hear about your FIL coming home! My Dad went in the hospital about the same time last year…and never came home 🙁

  7. I’m grateful that no one is yelling yet, even though I already burned the turkey, forgot the cranberries, and ran off to my room to write while everyone else is working.

  8. I totally didn’t think about knowing how to type, but you are SO right. I can’t imagine what a PITA writing would be if I didn’t type as well as I do. Good call.