
Thursday 13 – 147th Edition: 05/29/2008 — No Comments

  1. Poor little platypus, he really can’t help being goofy. As for puppy’s and kittens they are adorable in their goofiness and I guess some OTHER things are just plain goofy and ya gotta go with it! 🙂

  2. How ’bout an ostrich’s knees? Great list! Love your train of thought (and I really love the pic on your website. Gaw-juss!)

  3. OMGosh. I couldnt’ get past copulating! I’m still giggling… only because my family is sitting behind me and I don’t want them to ask why i’m laughing.

  4. Goofy-Gus-ims! Srsly, what’s not to like?

    Noony, ye really be too much. But I know–somehow–the people who know you wouldn’t have you be any other way.

    14. Letting the song WILDFIRE make you cry in the middle of the day. For no friggen reason at all…