
Thursday 13 – 139th Edition: 04/03/2008 — No Comments

  1. How very cool! My son is very into stars and planets right now. We’ve been reading The Smithsonian Handbook of Stars and Planets (my son is 6 and picked this book out himself!) and we’ve looked at a couple of websites, but I’m going to have to show him some of these.

    Great List!

  2. Awesome list! I’ll be sure to share some with the Boy. He’s very into space type things lately too. The Girl is working on a Travel Brochure for her 5th grade class to visit three planets. Should be fun!

    Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed a slice of b-day cake!

    Happy TT!

  3. Oh, oh, oh!

    I don’t have time to go through these right now, but I love astronomy, too. I am FASCINATED by it. I’ve even thought of somehow tying the sooper sekret organization in my story to it.

    Heh, heh. You’ll have to help me out with that one. I’ll do a little research when the time comes, then bump you for more information.

    Yaay! Nooney, you’re so cool.

  4. Cool list!

    If it was offered, would you grab at a chance to go into space? (Personally, not my gig, but I know lots of people who would love it!)

    Happy TT!

  5. I love the Hubble website. It’s like taking a space journey. I wish I had more time for stargazing – we have a telescope at the cabin, but I am too lazy to drag it out and set it up on the roof. Will have to check the others out though – thanks!!