
A Writer In Her Library – The Shape of the Whole — No Comments

  1. I\’m so glad that a wondrous comfort emerged from what could have been merely a tedious chore. Now that\’s an accomplishment!

    My favorite topics vary tremendously, but I want to be drawn into another reality more than learn how to do anything. ~blush~ Biographical material is a recurring staple while science fiction, fantasy, horror, erotica, and romance seem to be cyclical. One good story might lead to more by that author or an advertisement in the back will catch my eye. Of course, Noon and Wilder stories definitely keep me coming back for more.

    • Aww. Thank you! And I don\’t think blushing is needed for one\’s love of fiction. Fiction is some of the best writing around! I have a large collection of it myself. I just happen to be a non-fiction kick right now, but that\’s a pendular thing. I\’m a confirmed bookworm. 🙂

  2. I love history books- and I admit it the ones woth big glossy colored pictures. I\’m glad organizing things helped ground you and you can enjoy your retreat now without guilt that you should be moving things around rather than sitting and zen-ing.