
A to Z Challenge, Day 23: W Is For West — No Comments

    • LOFF!

      Srsly. There was snorfling involved. It started as a giggle, I think. 🙂 ACHOO! Yup. Definitely a giggle.

      I have to tell my husband that one.

      You think I should let him wake up first? o.O…

  1. Love that lolcats pic. Sorry you\’re feeling sick though. I\’m just getting over it and it nearly derailed my A to Z posting. But I\’m all caught up and now i finally have some time to visit new blogs. Hope you\’re feeling better soon 🙂

    The Pedestrian Writer

  2. Sorry you fell ill. Poor dear! My favorite pun only works if you know the \”Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious\” song from \”Mary Poppins\”:

    The greatly esteemed Mahatma Gandhi can be considered one of the ultimate martyrs. He walked the world barefoot more often than not, and his spare, unusual diet caused bad breath. As a result, we have…

    A super calloused fragile mystic plagued with halitosis.