
A to Z Challenge, Day 13: M Is For Money — No Comments

  1. I follow my grandmother\’s advice. Never spend more than you can afford. Always pay your taxes. Share what you can with those who need help. She was pretty simple in her view of money. I liked that.

    • Agreed. It\’s necessary in some ways (I remember one of my MBA classes about \”the appropriate use of debt\” and being startled there was ever an appropriate use of it. But consumer debt is a real anchor around our necks.

  2. I appreciate a paraphrase from the book of Proverbs: …give me neither poverty nor riches; lest I be full and deny thee, and say, \”Who is the Lord\” or lest I be poor, and steal, and defy my God.

    Otherwise, I\’d like a beach house for the spring and fall, a city home for the winter, and a cool mountain retreat for summertime heat. ~grin~ I\’m not too greedy, I hope. After all, North Carolina would suffice for all three.