
A to Z Challenge, Day 4: D Is For Dawg — No Comments

  1. I\’ve had dogs nearly all of my life–a few were just strays that showed up at our house and decided to stay. Any loving dog in need of a home is my favorite breed. Although I do have a particular weakness for terriers. 🙂

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Skye, and taking the time to comment! Dogs are awesome as pets. I\’m more partial to larger dogs, especially the 60 pound lap dog variety, but dogs are pretty awesome whatever their size!

  3. Coyote is such a great name. We always had adoring and adored mutts until my parents got hooked on miniatures schnauzers and now, a schnoodle (min. poodle mother and min. schnauzer dad) who\’s particularly adorable but quite the little troublemaker. I\’m just happy to have a new little \”sister\” to spoil when I see them.

    • Ha! I know what you mean about spoiling them. The problem I have with terriers is their barking. It\’s part of their DNA, because it alerts their person to threats, but living where I do in the middle of the city there are WAY too many people around for a terrier to be comfortable.

      We named her Coyote after the Coyote spirit in Native American mythology; basically, a giant entropy generator in the shape of a dog.

      I also learned something – I love having the \”reply\” button for comments, and had it on the new Noon and Wilder blog but couldn\’t figure out how to make it appear on here. I figured, oh, phooey, maybe that\’s because this blog was founded in 2008 and it\’s maybe a new feature. Then I was monkeying with Noon and Wilder and reset my comments to \”pop out,\” rather than \”embed,\” and the \”reply\” feature went away. ! So I changed both that blog and this one back to \”embed,\” and poof, the \”reply\” option appeared in both places. Woot! (I share that in case anyone else likes that feature and didn\’t know how to make it work on their Blogger interface.)

  4. Love the post, from the title to the sweet dawg belly to the commentary. 🙂 I love all dawgs, but I\’m partial to pit bulls (the large lap dog variety — had one for a long time) and teensy teacup Chihuahuas. I\’ve got a not-quite 4 lb. version of the latter now, mixed with 1/4 Pomeranian, and he\’s a joy in every way.

    • Ha! I\’m not enormously partial to Chihuahuas, mostly since they seem to hate me. 🙂 But I love large lap dog pits; they\’re amazingly affectionate. Sadly, they\’re short-haired and I love long fur – despite the mess it makes. I\’m doomed to have an untidy house. 🙂