Announcing Noonsense!
I was thinking about a newsletter I write in my “other life” (you know, the one where I’m not a famous New York Times Bestselling Author), and came up with a thought – why not write a newsletter for my writing friends and fans? (All 4,302,699 of you…) Since my mailing budget is unlimited, what with my big fancy New York publishing house (who, for the sake of professional courtesy, I can’t actually name), I figured I’d print that puppy up and mail it out to you all.
So, this is the official press release announcement of the publication of my brand, spanking new newsletter, Noonsense. No, spankings are not included, they cost extra. Send checks payable to A. Catherine Noon…
Sorry, got carried away there. But watch your mailbox soon! And if you haven’t sent me your snail mail address, get crackin! I can’t mail it to you, you don’t send it to me. (And this baby isn’t comin’ electronically!)