Fan Moment – Luba Perchyshyn
I have done pysanky, or Ukranian decorated eggs, for years now. Every year, I get a new book or some tools in the craft. I have a small library of excellent books by Ms. Luba Perchyshyn, who writes beautifully and has lovely photographs explaining her techniques. I get my supplies from a couple places, but the books come from the Ukrainian Gift Shop in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. I’ve been to the Twin Cities three times now, and each time haven’t managed to get to the store. My friend went there recently and asked me if I wanted anything. I stared at her and then begged her to take my books to the store for an autograph. She did it! And she got to meet Ms. Perchyshyn herself! Ms. Perchychyn said it was obvious my books were well-loved and that the person who used them must enjoy the art very much. I was embarrassed because I couldn’t get the wax drips and dye dots off them, but she seemed very pleased by it. She even signed all my books! I about fainted when my friend brought them home for me. If you’ve ever wanted to try the art for yourself, I highly recommend checking out their supplies and books. The Design Books (there are 5) are very easy to follow and you’ll be making amazing eggs in no time. Have fun!
How cool! Good for you.
Thanks, Darla! Isn\’t it awesome? She\’s a terrific lady and a great author and artist. I\’m grateful to the work she\’s done to preserve pysanky in the U.S.