Join Me At ChiWriMo!
It’s November, the time of the keyboards singing and the turkey tryptophaning and the avoidance of the holiday madness until after Black Friday, thankyouverymuch. It’s National Novel Writing Month, Dear Reader, and yours truly is one of the volunteer Municipal Liaisons, or MLs, for the Chicago Region. My main duty is to help host write-ins, which are big parties where magic happens. No really, that’s what they are! People gather somewhere, like a cafe or restaurant or library or park or… and they write. And have word wars. And it’s a lot of fun. One of my other duties is to exhort participants to ever greater heights of literary abandon. (Hey, man: I’m in mid-NaNo myself and my vocabulary is running full steam ahead!) So join me at our ChiWriMo blog for some thoughts on Week Two – it’s not too late! Keep going!