
March FADness: 03/13/2008: No Humans; “Succession” (998 Words) — No Comments

  1. Oooooh I love it Noony, I was captivated by it all, the death of the leader (?) and the fight were riveting. Well done.
    I particularly loved the fact that Mai-Mai,got over it all so quickly with the motivation of a partner and his reserved response to her was really sweet. So good!!!!!

  2. *glee* Wonderful, as always.

    I wasn’t quite sure what animal they were, but decided they were something between wolves and lions.

    Very original and a great fight scene!

  3. Great piece! Loved the names and the counting of the days by the suns. Very violent piece as well, shockingly so.

  4. I love it! The names are a nice touch. And the piece has a timeless feel, like it could have occured long ago, where my house now stands, or yesterday in some remote jungle.

  5. I have to leave you another comment. Although I read this some time ago and loved it. I still love it. This is a timeless, gorgeous piece of writing. :)) Your characters are very endearing.

  6. Weird. I don’t know why it says Darla’s second comment has been removed by the author; I didn’t mean to remove anything. Still new at this blog technology, even after all I’ve learned. ~shrug~

    Thank you, both of you, for your kind comments!
