Wiley Wednesday: A Tool to Tame Entropy
I’m blogging at the Writers Retreat Blog today on entropy and productivity. Stop on by!
Continue reading →I’m blogging at the Writers Retreat Blog today on entropy and productivity. Stop on by!
Continue reading →I drove in today. This might not sound unusual, but I usually take the train, except for Fridays when I drive with my husband. You’ll note, those of you paying attention, that today is not Friday. Nope. Not one bit. … Continue reading →
Chapter 8 of New World Order, “In Plain Sight”, is posted. Enjoy!
Continue reading →GARDENING! It’s nearly Spring, and I can’t wait to get back into the garden! Of course, I have to clean up the doggie nuisances that she buried in the snow (!) and that are thawing out – ew. Then I … Continue reading →
Thursday 13 – February 18, 2010 Today is Thursday. Not very inspired, but working at it. So, 13 pretty things: 1. Emeralds. 2. Puppies. 3. Kittens. 4. Ladies and Gentlemen all dressed up. 5. Water lilies. 6. Great herons congregating … Continue reading →
Today is Thursday. As I stared out the train window this morning, noodling on things to write for TT, I found myself musing about the snow. So, my TT today is about what I learned, camping in harsher weather even … Continue reading →
Chapter 17 of The Night Is A Harsh Mistress, featuring Rachel Carmichael, is up on the Writer’s Retreat Blog. Enjoy! Palette Cleanser
Continue reading →A lot of people I talk to feel that 2010 is the year to get shit done, myself included. (Not that I talk to myself.) (Nevermind, forget I said that.) ANYWAY… So, with the “Get Shit Done” theme in mind, … Continue reading →
I recently experimented with a pattern for a gift bag, which is really a very simple project. I used pearl cotton, gauge 5 and gauge 12, to create the bag. Starting with yellow for East and Air, I then used … Continue reading →
Come join me at the Writer’s Retreat Blog today, where I share my thoughts on Mind Mapping.
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