Post Comments and Spam
A few folks have let me know they’ve had trouble leaving comments on the blog here, and I wanted to have a short chat as to why and what’s going on.
Unfortunately, when I went to the new platform on my website, as opposed to a free site (like Blogger or WordPress), it meant that I got a ton of spam comments – like 40 a day. I turned commenting off for a while, then allowed it with a sign-in on WordPress or Open ID (and a few others); then turned it off after a while, thinking maybe I was done with spam, but no such luck.
Sadly, I’ve had to keep the sign-in requirement. I STILL get spam, 10 to 20 a week, but it’s more manageable.
And if you’re a spammer reading this, I’m not very happy with you. Jus’ sayin’.
And so, Dear Reader, that’s why I have comments set up the way I do. I hope it doesn’t prevent you from leaving comments; but if it does, know that I’m stoked that you’ve visited and taken the time to read. I appreciate you.