
Samurai Armor — No Comments

  1. At this point, he may only wear it at costume events. It will likely go on display in our home along with other objects he’s made. Who knows? Maybe he’ll travel to Japan, where they do re-enactments.

  2. not sure were you are (came across your blog while looking up samurai armor) but look up Society for Creative Anachronism or They do creative reenactment in North America and many people would love to see his work. Might even offer him job doing building some for them LOL.

    Thank you for the pictures I muchly enjoyed them.

  3. Thanks, Repaer! My husband used to make chain maille armor professionally, through Chained Links at Bristol Ren Faire. We’ve looked into SCA here, but it’s a lot different than my home kingdom in Los Angeles. Maybe someday, though.

    Thanks so much for commenting!