
Saturday Showcase – In the Garden with J. M. Cartwright — No Comments

  1. Hey, JM, I didn\’t know you were into gardening! I love gardening also, and it has a very positive effect on my writing.

    Oh, if you need some bunny manure fertilizer, LMK. They produce more than I can use…

  2. LOL – how will you get it here? That I\’d like to see because I could definitely use the bunny poop. Might make it more interesting for the dogs, probably roll in it. ^-^

    Thanks for popping in – we can compare garden war stories now.


  3. Hi J.M! Gardening is one of those things I wish I had more time and more space for. I did some container gardening this year and I plan to expand my little garden next year. There\’s something very relaxing about working with plants.

  4. Great post! I intend to do some gardening today since we finally have cooler temperatures. I\’m ashamed to admit my garden became overrun by weeds and junk trees because my day job left me too tired to fuel that former passion. Thanks for the inspiration to reignite things!