
Sunday Box Talk – Be a Lifelong Student — 6 Comments

  1. Actually, googling something, or someone I\’m curious about is often my first step. I\’ve done this with parts of Italy, composers, poets, the Counter Reformation Movement, Christina of Sweden, etc. It\’s how I learned more about Guido Reni, when I saw some of his amazing depictions of San Sebastiano.

  2. I\’ve taken free courses from They have MOOCs (massive open online courses), some of which are learn at your own pace, created by universities from all over the world. A lot of them are way over my head but I\’ve found some that were fun (and some pretty challenging!). I highly recommend Coursera for anyone who is wanting to learn new things!

  3. I would also suggest consider being a teacher if you have a certain skill set.

    As a student, I\’m surprised how many people teach various things for FREE. I\’ve been looking at getting back to sewing and while I could probably manage via self teaching, there is something about a classroom setting where others muddle with me that helps me move forward.

    • I think it\’s important to understand how we learn. If we learn better in a group setting, then giving ourselves that luxury is something that\’s helpful.

      Covey said that one way to learn something is to teach it, because in doing so we learn more about it. I\’ve found that to be true for me, and it\’s one reason I continue to teach. That, and I really enjoy it. 🙂