Sunday Box Talk: Gardening
I’m over at the lovely Nice Girls Writing Naughty blog today with a recipe for Mint Syrup. It’s the last day of our contest, so please stop by and enter to win several awesome prizes, including a book from yours truly AND a gift certificate for $50 USD.
Apropos of that, I thought I’d chat about gardening a bit for today’s Sunday Box Talk.
I saw a button once that said, “Gardeners plant gardens to relax and then spend all their time working in them.” There’s a lot of wisdom in this saying. The “in the moment-ness” of gardening, or any hobby, is what provides its sense of peace and “now-ness.” By tending to the garden, we tend to ourselves and allow our bodies to experience grounding in a literal sense as we play in the dirt.
Do you garden? Even a potted plant can be magical if approached with the right mindset. It’s a lot cheaper to by a pathos plan than it is to pour a drink, and the plant won’t pack on the pounds or make your mind fuzzy.