
Sunday Box Talk – New Year, New… What? — 2 Comments

  1. Noonie, reading this leaves me with so many questions, too many to ask here. I think I could learn so much from you!

    Can\’t wait for your workshops to begin. I\’ve been taking wonderful classes (aside from this last one) provided by Wesleyan University through Coursera. They are parts of the Creative Fiction Specialization, a program I highly recommend. But there is still much I don\’t know about breaking into print.

    What happens with some of these publishers is horrifying. I asked for free information from a few places, XLibris for one, only to have people call me and try to talk me into a publishing package. I put them off by saying I can\’t afford it right now, then did some homework and came up with questions that should be asked prior to signing on with a POD publisher. One site I looked into, claiming to be cheaper, etc., was Dog Ear Press. But how can anyone be sure that smaller presses won\’t go belly up and leave their authors high and dry like All Romance eBooks did? Maybe it\’s a risk we just have to take.

    Loved your advice to \”get off the internet\”. It\’s sure been holding me back.

    Anyway, I so needed to read this now. More later . . .

    • You are very welcome to ask any and all questions you like. 🙂

      I\’m pleased that you\’re excited about the workshops! I am, too. They feed me creatively and I adore the community we\’ve built.

      I would avoid vanity publishers, like XLibris, entirely. They are not the same as self- or indie-publishing. The money should ALWAYS flow from the publisher to you, not the other way around. XLibris is fine for a grandparent wanting to create a book for their descendants, but it\’s not a route to publishing. Small press isn\’t dead, but it\’s struggling; good research is important. I have found Romance Divas ( invaluable, as are writers professional associations like RWA (Romance Writers of America).

      Look forward to hearing more from you and, one day, seeing your work in print. Keep on writing!