
Thirteen Management Tips — No Comments

  1. Some of those supposedly in this society aren\’t very advanced, obviously. I\’m so sorry you had to face this! Hugs and many blessings to you, dear.

  2. Wow… I worked for him/her many times. I quit on the spot once or twice, too.

    Then again, one time, he fired me and then had to rehire me before I got out the door (literally – no exaggeration) because someone else quit.

    Good times…Good times…

  3. Well, sounds like someone\’s teamleader needs a swift kick in the ass!

    Hope it gets better for you. Go knit or weave. It\’ll keep you fingers too busy to strangle someone in dire need of it.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Oooh ick. I hate bad managers. I think they should all have to pass a personality test before they get promoted. I know of too many companies where simply being a warm body for long enough will get you promoted, and they are always the worst managers to work for!

  5. I don\’t think I\’d put up with any of the above. I have before, but not at this stage in my life.
    I hope things get better in 2011
    Happy New Year!