
Thursday 13 – 141st Edition: 04/17/2008 — No Comments

  1. That is a huge selection of places to visit for knitting and sewing. I don’t knit or embroider anymore, but I have a passion for fabric, the different colors and textures fascinate me. I think I might mosey on over to your knitting blog – see what you have there. 🙂

  2. Excellent list! I too love to knit, just wish I had more time for it. And I LOVED the Makit Bakit crafts as a kid – I’ll have to do those with my daughter one day!

  3. Well, I used to crochet as a kid. And then I did latch-hooking, which kept me, my sister and my mom out of trouble for a good year or so. We had pillows, rugs and wall hangings around the whole dang place.

    You are so creative, Noony.

  4. What a list! You must have quite a talent and hobby to have that many places to shop on your radar.
    I do know how to knit, but was never good enough to make something anyone wanted to keep. I suppose I’d rather be doing cross stitch instead.