
Thursday 13 – 148th Edition: 06/05/2008 — No Comments

  1. Hmmm? What’s the other end of the spectrum from auspicious? (Because I laughed like demented monkey at the end of this post, I did, I did.)

    I am BLATANTLY guilty of numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13. Which, as I read them, are the most difficult to overcome.

    I am beside myself with joy, I tell you.

  2. Yikes Noony, I’m too scared to put down the ones I am guilty of…but this is a good reminder that if we are not getting stuff done, there are reasons. 🙂

  3. With the exception of texting, I’m probably guilty of all of these. You left out my biggest time waster, which is rereading and rereading and rereading my favorite books.

  4. TV is the biggest time sucker. I don’t have cable. If I did, I’d be at least half as productive as I am now. The internet too . . . but I am unwilling to give that up. =D