
Thursday 13: A Writer In Her Library — No Comments

  1. Don\’t be intimidated!! I want playmates. 🙂 I just like books, and it got to where having a large library but no organization meant I couldn\’t find something when I needed it (which happened to be a book by Julian of Norwich I wanted to use for an article I was writing…). So really, it\’s Julian\’s fault.

  2. I only have one of those: Good Housekeeping: New Complete Guide to Needlecraft. It\’s a dandy alright. They devote more than a paragraph to each craft, plus projects. You\’re right, they don\’t do books like that anymore.

  3. I\’ve been thinking about learning how to sew – \’cause all the clothes they sell now are so ugly! – but it\’s been a while since home ec class in high school.

    I\’d love to learn how to make some simple summer dresses. Any suggestions?

  4. So many books! I admit, almost my entire library is fiction, so it\’s cool to see that you have so much other stuff. Can\’t wait to see how you make room for it all!

  5. And people think I have a lot fo crafting books? Granted mine are primarily cross-stitch, but you seriously have me beat. Thanks for the inspiration–I may have to use this idea and post thirteen of them some time. *G*

    My blog

    (BTW, I got a dirty word for word ver: fockert. lol)

  6. Why oh why can I read all five volumes of Winston Churchill\’s \”Birth of Britain\” but I can\’t read craft books?
    I\’m pathetic. I start reading \”How To\” books and my palms sweat.
    Do they have some kind of 12 step program for that? There\’s probably a \”How To Read Craft Books and Not Have An Anxiety Attack\”…but I can\’t read it. LOL!

  7. The Art of Sewing series looks fantastic.

    You\’ll want the home repair books if you buy an older house. I had to do my first bit of plumbing less than two weeks after buying my first.

  8. Some of my books I still had packed away from the last move. Ten years later, new house, new bookshelves… let the fun begin.

    Organizing is a great time saver. By spending a couple of hours sorting, many more hours are saved down the road.