
Thursday 13: Plants! — No Comments

  1. Well, if you manage to grow the chard, let me know. I’ll dig up a recipe for an Italian treat for you called ‘erbazzone’ which uses it. It’s seriously yummah!

    Happy TT! 🙂

  2. I landscaped a huge chunk of my yard and then got tired of taking care of it. Perennials aren’t all I thought they would be but I still enjoy the riot of coneflowers every summer. We finally turned the back over to grass. ~blush~ I do miss garden fresh tomatoes, though. Thanks for this inspiring list. Perhaps it’s time to get back to the dirt. Green side up, heh…

  3. Great list!

    *sighs* If only I had a green thumb.

    I’d love to grow:
    – Green Onions
    – Cilantro
    – Cherry Tomatoes
    – Garlic
    – Basil
    – Lettuce

    But I’m a little afraid, heh! I kill 50% of most house plants. And what I don’t kill in the garden, I fear the rabbits would get to ’em.

  4. LOL. Green side up – *that’s* what I’ve been doing wrong! Srsly, tho, I wish I had a garden – yours sounds yummy! I love Snapdragons, too. 🙂

  5. We’re picking the last of our tomatoes and other things in the garden. According to our weather people summer is officially over in NZ. The sun doesn’t agree. It’s gonna be another hot day.

  6. This is similar to my list, but I haven’t tried to grow chard. I’ve wanted to since it’s so pretty in the garden. Maybe this year.

  7. oh, that sounds great! We only grow flowers. There are like, 3 rabbits per square foot in our front yard…I don’t know what the freaking deal is!

  8. You lost me with all the tomatoes. My sensitive mouth doesn’t like them. My ideal garden (if I had room) would include carrots, green beans, broccoli, zucchini and brussels sprouts. I like a lot of the veggies most people don’t, and dislike what most people like, LOL.