
Thursday 13: Thirteen Images from Lunch — No Comments

  1. Thanks, Colleen! Actually, I\’d love to see pictures of a chicken coop, hens and roses. Rachel and I are working on a psychic mystery and the main character owns a B&B in the country and they raise heirloom hens for eggs so the guests can have a \”farm\” experience. So we\’d LOVE to see real hens! 😛

    (And MAN! some of those coops out there are quite elaborate – we saw one that looked like people could roost in it!)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I really like the medallion. And the boats/flowers. It reminds me of the park where I spent a lot of time growing up, and will be spending time in the future once Bub is in school. There\’s something about the water that\’s just…soothing.

  3. Thanks, Shelley! I agree, it\’s a lovely walk; I\’m really lucky to have it here (though I\’ve been a big believer in lunch walks and have found stuff to look at pretty much anywhere).

  4. Isn\’t that amazing, Alice? It\’s not even the most ornate I\’ve ridden; Chicago is proud of its architectural items and elevators seem to be a way for the architects to play. There are even some grilles and such on display at the Art Institute of historical buildings\’ elevator doors.

  5. Thanks, Willa! I appreciate you stopping by. And I agree; I think it\’s important to enjoy our moments of our days. There are so many ways to do it and it\’s something simple, but pays big dividends in mood improvement. 🙂