
Thursday 13 – November 12th, 2009: Thirteen Pet Peeves — No Comments

  1. I’m so glad I’m home alone because number 13 struck me so funny I’ve got tears streaming down my cheeks.

    After all that super-cool action, he “careened into a planter”! BWHAHAAHAAHAAA!

    What an image that’s left in my brain. Fantastic stuff – the whole list was hilarious, but that was certainly the capper for me! 🙂

    Happy TT!
    Ciao for now! 🙂

  2. LOL great list. You poor thing. I would send you a gallon of pre-made, hot and strong of your favorite coffee if I could. *pats* Try to have a great week, despite coffee-maker malfunctions.

    Happy T13.

  3. OMG, wiping tears of mirth from my eyes… You do ranting well. I am so with you on CELL YELL (I really don’t want to hear the intimate details of your private life while riding the bus) and yappy dogs. Actually, not just the small yappy ones, but any dog that barks 24/7. We have an agressive barker that just moved in across the hall. Dude, it’s called a MUZZLE. Get one!

    Also laughing at Ms M’s commentary on item 13. ROFLMBO!

    Hope you’re having a much better afternoon!

  4. These are great. Cell yell bothers me, but it makes me want to yank the thing out of their hand and throw it under a train when they do that in the library. The library, of all places. sheesh.

  5. Nope, I don’t have your problems and I’m so glad. We live two miles out in the country and have our own set of problems though.

    I hope you get some coffee soon it sure sounds like you need it.

    I’m a tea drinker. I just need hot water and a tea bag and I’m all set.

    Happy TT.